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What We Do Here

Hybrid chestnut trees are being developed through a process called 'controlled pollination' to develop multi purpose trees for timber, wildlife and the environment.  Click on the 'Read More' button to see how it's done.

About us

Mountain State Chestnuts had it's start in 1986 in an effort to develop American chestnut trees that are resistant to chestnut blight.  Our orchards are located in northcentral West Virginia in the heart of the native range of the American chestnut tree.  Owners are Don and Sheryl Kines of Davis, WV.

2017 Seedlings

A good crop of seedlings this season.  These will show a wide range of characteristics of the American, Chinese, and Japanese parents.  Email us at the 'contact page' for details.

News From The Orchard

What's Going On


Click on the 'Read More' tab to see some of the recent work being done.

Orchard Visitors/Residents


Check out this section to see photographs of some of the birds and animals that make Mountain State Chestnuts their home..

The Grafting Process

A description of the how and why we graft chestnut trees.

** Something New** 

Click on the following link for a video of the above grafting technique.

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